Students participating in a tourniquet drill during class.
skills labs
Skills Labs are short, two to four-hour classes that focus on learning specific skills. These skills may vary from hemorrhage control techniques to fundamentals of wound management to various patient assessments. Each class will not only provide training on how to perform a skill and hands-on skill practice, students may also participate in drills and even pressure tests. These drills and tests will provide an honest self-evaluation of a student’s skill level. Drills and tests are designed to teach, not fail a student.
The labs are perfect for LSM alumni, and will be fast-paced for those new to the subjects.
In order to provide the greatest learning and testing environment, these labs will have limited availability. Classes may have five to six slots while others may have up to eight. This insures that a strong instructor/student ratio is achieved.
NOTE: Some classes may require students to bring their own equipment. For example, the “Delta” class requires students to bring their own BP cuff and stethoscope.
Pricing: $125/person/Skill Lab
No charge for children 15 years or younger; however they must be accompanied by a legal guardian who is registered for the class.
Skills Lab - “Alpha”
1. Patient Assessment-Rapid Trauma Assessment
2. Bleeding Control Techniques
3. Skills Drills and Tests
Skills Lab - “Bravo”
1. Impaled Objects
2. Fractures; open and closed
2. Manual Drags & Carries
3. Skills Drills and Tests
Skills Lab - “Charlie”
1. Wound Management-Debridement/Irrigation Techniques
2. Wound Management-Closure Techniques
3. Skills Drills and Tests
Skills Lab - “Delta”
1. Vital Signs
2. Patient Movement Techniques-Medium to Long Distances, Obstacles
3. Patient Assessment-Focused/Detailed Medical Assessment
4. Skills Drills and Tests