Medic 1
This is our flagship course and our most popular. This course is perfect for those with little to no previous first aid training. We will cover aggressive first aid for moderate to severe injuries and illnesses. Throughout class, each student will learn through minimal lectures, plenty of hands-on skills practice, and multiple scenarios involving role players. The students will participate in the skills training as individuals and as teams throughout both days. Some of the subjects covered in this course:
Medical & Legal Issues
Body Substance Isolation; Use of Protective Barrier Devices
Basic Anatomy & Physiology
Patient Assessment Techniques
Penetrating & Blunt Trauma; GSW, Stabbings, Crush Injuries
Medical Emergencies; Stroke, Diabetic Emergencies, Seizures
Fractures & Sprains; Broken Bones
Burns; Thermal, Electrical, etc.
Environmental Emergencies
Animal/Insect bites
Heat & cold injuries
Dehydration & Prevention (Caleb’s favorite)
Shock; Management and Treatment
Tourniquets & Hemostatic Agents
Patient Movement Techniques
Communicating with 911 Officials
Creating a Landing Zone (LZ)
First Aid Kits & Equipment Selection
Skills that save lives…